Oil painting Northern Shores

Oil painting Northern Shores by fine artist Timothy Gent
Northern Shores | Oil on canvas

This contemporary, seascape oil painting is inspired by the soft, more autumnal feel to the northern coasts of late and the beautiful sense of light and movement over the ocean.

With this oil painting, I’ve chosen some beautiful new colours, including an intense prussian blue and paynes grey, two lovely blueish blacks. I’ve also used a warm white which tend towards cream to create a sense of light in the painting.

There is a rich pattern of textures in the oil painting which come from the range of brush sizes I have used, from 2.5 cm to 6 cm. The broader strokes of the brush suggest movement over the shore.

I’ve used the finest handmade Michael Harding artist paints on a favourite, beautifully made professional gallery canvas by Pintura.

Published September 2016