Exhibition of Seascape Watercolour Paintings

Image of a new exhibition of seascape watercolour paintings by fine artist Timothy Gent

You can now enjoy a new online art exhibition in the gallery, to complement my collection of seascape watercolour paintings showing in the gallery.

They capture the wonderful feeling of movement and open space of the natural seashore. The show the beauty of light and reflections, as well as the mood, atmosphere and colour, found on the beach. Each of the nine curated works on paper show the open sea under different skies and weather conditions throughout the year.

The exhibition displays seascape watercolours from 2018 to 2020 from the two locations I’ve chosen to paint, Lytham St Annes beach in Lancashire and Ross sands, Lindisfarne in Northumberland.

The watercolour paintings are between approximately 20cm to 30cm in width and could be displayed as a single, feature artwork for a modest space. Although each artwork hasn’t been painted as one of a series (they are unique originals with different papers and paints used and slightly different technique but with a similar style) their common sizes could allow you to collect and display the paintings as a series. I know that some of my collectors have done this very successfully, choosing similar sized work with identical framing.

I hope you will enjoy this exhibition and that it reminds you of happy times spent by the sea.

Published March 2021